This transfer we are doing something a little different. We are having every zone up to the Mission Home for Interviews where they also meet with the zone leaders and the assistants and then we have a Barbeque. So far we have had the Las Afueras Zone and the Alcala Zone. It has been a lot of fun and I think the missionaries have enjoyed it. We discovered we have some talented "chefs" and the food -- both spiritual and physical -- has been wonderful! The missionaries also have some study time and just "getting acquainted" time. We are watching the new Church DVD "Finding Happiness" and talk about how it can help us contact people about the Church by asking them Questions of the Soul. (For those former missionaries, we now have only seven zones. The two districts in Madrid Norte were put into other zones.)
We have also just completed Summer Slam '08. This is a basketball camp the missionaries put on for the church youth and their friends. We had 299 young people register this year. Only 176 attended but we now have 71 referrrals of non-members who attended the camp that will receive missionaries into their home to get their camp shirt and photo in front of the temple. We have already had one baptism and there are another 4 or 5 in the near future. Isn't the Gospel wonderful! This has been a great tool for the Spain Madrid Mission.
With Spain winning the Eurocup and Nadal winning Wimbledon, it's been a great time to be in Spain............even though we didn't watch it. VivaEspana!!!
As I was watching the Euro Cup and Wimbledon, I kept thinking to myself, "The Spaniards don't know how good they have it? They better enjoy all the success that they are being blessed with by the missionaries' service in Madrid. They only have one year left." You guys need to come home soon so the Jazz can win the NBA Championship and the Cougars can win the BCS Championship. -RF
Mom, it looks great! It was good to talk to you. Thanks for being there. I love you guys!
As I was watching the Euro Cup and Wimbledon, I kept thinking to myself, "The Spaniards don't know how good they have it? They better enjoy all the success that they are being blessed with by the missionaries' service in Madrid. They only have one year left." You guys need to come home soon so the Jazz can win the NBA Championship and the Cougars can win the BCS Championship. -RF
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